Investment on the left side panel includes all of your investment accounts both taxable and non-taxable. Clicking on the Investment title takes you to the Net Worth page of all your investment accounts combined.
You can click on the name of each investment account in the bottom table of this page and view specific details for that specific account.
You will see the Financial Institution name and your chosen account Nickname in the top left-hand corner, and 3 separate tabs that show information related to the account in the top right-hand corner.
The tabs show the information listed below:
Balance: This shows you the balance of the account. Since we only have limited data on your account when you first add link it to y our dashboard, you will see more balance date the longer you use the Empower Personal Dashboard platform. This section will also show recent transactions on the account in the bottom table. You can adjust the dates you are viewing this information in the top right-hand corner.
Income: This shows you all investment income for the account. Income includes any transactions and amounts that are categorized as 'Interest' or 'Investment Income.' It doesn't include transfers or deposits into the account. If you see transactions that you consider investment income that aren't included in the totals change the category to either 'Interest' or 'Investment Income,' also feel free to report the financial institution and transaction type to us so we can improve the accuracy in the future. You can adjust the dates you are viewing this information in the top right-hand corner.