If your account isn't showing the correct type (401K, IRA, Bank, Checking, etc.) you can change the 'Account Type' field. Please note that depending on how your account is aggregated from your financial institution only certain options may be available for Cash, Investment and Loan/Mortgage accounts at this time.
Application specific steps to change the account type are listed below:
- Hover your mouse over the account name and click on the 'Pencil' icon that appears to edit your account details.
- In the 'Account type' drop down menu choose the most appropriate type for that specific account.
- Click 'Save' on the bottom right-hand corner to save the change.
- On the 'Net Worth' section of the app, tap on the account you want to edit.
- Tap on the 'Pencil' icon to the right of the account name.
- In the 'Account type' drop down menu choose the most appropriate type for that specific account.
- Tap 'Save' on the top right-hand corner to save the change.
- On the 'Net Worth' section of the app, tap on the account you want to edit.
- Tap on the 'Pencil' icon to the right of the account name.
- In the 'Account type' drop down menu choose the most appropriate type for that specific account.
- Tap the checkmark symbol on the top right-hand corner to save the change.