An Empower Personal Cash account which earns at least $10 or more in interest will have a 1099-INT form generated.
- Important: If you are an investment client, and want to access tax documents for your investment account(s), please click this Link instead.
- For Empower 401K clients, please contact 1-855-756-4738
When will the 1099-INT for my Empower Personal Cash account be available?
1099-INT forms will be made available for download on the Dashboard by January 31st - Here's how to access (using the full web-browser):
- Select your name in the upper right corner of your dashboard
- Select Documents from the dropdown menu
- Click the Tax tab
My Empower Personal Cash account earned less than $10 in interest, will I still get a 1099-INT form?
No - If your Empower Personal Cash account earned less than $10 in interest during the previous tax year, a 1099-INT form (for that year) will not be generated for that Cash account.
I don't see a 1099-INT form for my Empower Personal Cash account, should I have received one?
If you did not receive a 1099-INT form for your Empower Personal Cash account and believe that you should have, please email us at for assistance.