Within your Retirement Planner projection graph, the time before your Retirement age is known as the Accumulation Phase, a period from your current age until retirement, that projects the growth of your Annual Savings and accounts for your Portfolios Cash In/Out Flows.
If you are already retired, the projection begins in the Distribution Phase.
The Annual Savings amount represents your expected annual net cash inflow until your retirement age. This can be estimated from your savings history from the accounts you’ve added or entered manually. A yearly saving percentage increase above inflation can also be applied.
The Retirement Planner allocates net cash inflows to sub-portfolios in the following order (as applicable).
*Annual Contribution Limits:
- Tax-Deferred: $18,500 for single and $37,000 for joint, plus an additional $6,000 for each spouse over 50.
- Tax-Free: $5,500 if single salary is <$118,000 and $11,000 if joint salary <$186,000, plus an additional $1,000 for each spouse over 50.
The Retirement Planner allocates net cash outflows from sub-portfolios in the following order: